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  • 14 Dec 2016 5:31 PM | Anonymous

    The mission of the Journal of Organization Design (JOD) is to publish theoretical and empirical research on organization design. Organization design is an applied discipline based on the literature of the organization sciences.

    The term for the current Editors-in-Chief is expiring and the Journal of Organization Design is seeking a new Editor-in-Chief.

    JOD was started in 2012 and is published by SpringerOpen from 2016. The editorial work is organized by the Editor(s)-in-Chief, a number of Associate Editors (currently seven) and an Editorial Board consisting of twenty eight people. The Editorial Board consists of very active reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief appoints the editorial team.

    Journal of Organization Design (JOD) is an official publication of the Organizational Design Community, a worldwide community of scholars, executives, and organizations dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of organization design. JOD publishes articles about both the theory and practice of organization design. Articles can take a variety of forms – conceptual articles, review articles, empirical studies, provocative essays, case and simulation studies, laboratory and field experiments, syntheses of different ideas or theories, and so on. Authors should persuasively present the implications of their work for research and/or practice. JOD is particularly keen to publish articles that are future oriented, address urgent design issues, and translate theory and research findings into practical applications. JOD publishes five types of articles: Research Articles, Translational Articles, Case Studies, Point of View Articles, and Urgent Issue Articles. JOD's target audience is academics, business people, graduate students, consultants, and policymakers.

    The ideal candidate will have a strong commitment to the field of organization design, and will have made significant scholarly contributions to the field. Consistent with the mission of the ODC, the editor of JOD will work to build visibility for work in the field and will seek to build bridges between theory and practice.

    Nominations may be sent to Tim Carroll ( by January 15, 2017. The term will begin approximately September 1, 2017.


  • 14 Dec 2016 5:29 PM | Anonymous

    A memorandum of understanding (MoU) has been developed between Organizational Design Community and European Organisation Design Forum in pursuit of mutual interests in the field of organization design. The members of ODC Board of Directors are excited to have initiated the fulfilment of the agreement.

    The parties agree to cooperate in the following areas of mutual interest:

    • o   Each organization’s respective annual conference;
    • o   Co-developing workshops on organization design topics;
    • o   EODF participation in ODC’s Accreditation Program;
    • o   Explore possibilities for collaborative activities with other professional organizations in the area of organization design.

    You can read more about European Organisation Design Forum (EODF) here

  • 14 Dec 2016 5:27 PM | Anonymous

    Members can now better share job positions, articles and ideas

    The ODC website has undergone an update process to ensure a high quality and good experience for the users of the platform.

    To support the networking and knowledge sharing between ODC members, the website has been expanded with a new “Member to Member” page where members of ODC can share knowledge, interesting articles, events and career opportunities.  This week Professor Thorbjørn Knudsen, University of Southern Denmark is sharing 10 new positions.

    Go to our website to experience the new design and features! 

    If you have news to share, please send them to the secretariat at

    Please also note our large linkedin community site 1400+ members

  • 07 Nov 2016 2:34 PM | Anonymous

    More and more companies and academic institutions are getting interested in the field of organization design and a myriad of short courses are now offered.

    Seen from an ODC perspective this is like a dream coming through. This is what we have been working for over the last 6 years.

    But with the growing interest new challenges arise:

    How can course participants be sure that they are presented for the core theoretical principles of organization design and at the same time receive quality training on how to use this new knowledge in practise?

    ODC members have raised these questions at the latest ODC Annual Meetings and suggested that ODC took the lead on developing a quality system for short courses.

    After two years of concept development in close dialogue with the members, ODC are now launching the ODC COURSE ACCREDITATION.

    “We are very happy and proud that we now can offer this program to course providers and participants,” says Deputy Chairman of ODC, Professor Børge Obel from ICOA, Aarhus University. He has been appointed Director of the Program.

    “ODC represents both academia and business and is independent from commercial interests, so we are in the right position to take on the role of accreditation and quality assurance body,” continues professor Obel.

    Professor Obel is also member of the first Review Board, who reviews applications from course providers. The application and review processes are described in the Accreditation Handbook.

    The ODC Course Accreditation establishes that a course or program covers a core set of fundamental common content (knowledge, skills, tools, methods, frameworks, trends, etc.) in organization design. Once endorsed, the course provider can market and advertise it as such. (Co-branded with ODC and the Course Provider).

    The Board of Directors of ODC has also decided that all course participants will get a personal certificate and a one-year free membership of ODC.

    “This means that we expect our community to grow substantially in the coming months”, ends Professor Obel.

    The first course provider – Kates Kesler Organization Consulting – has just been accredited and a handful of new course providers are preparing their entry.

  • 07 Nov 2016 9:29 AM | Anonymous

    Managing Partner Amy Kates is excited about the Certification Program and certain that it will bring value to their clients.

    In August 2016, Kates Kesler Organization Consulting had their organization design course program certified by the new ODC Certification Program – as the first in the world.

    - ODC is the premiere global organization design professional association, states Managing Partner Amy Kates. To have our course certified and recognized by this body is an honor.

    - The criteria were rigorous, but fair. The process was simple – we submitted our materials for review by the committee of practitioners and academics.

    Managing Partner Greg Kesler is sure that an ODC Certification will add value to their course program:

    - Accreditation by ODC allows us to provide even more value to our clients. HR and OD internal staff are particularly interested in ways to demonstrate their competence. Certification that indicates they have a strong foundation gained through a quality program will be extremely useful as they introduce organization design to their line clients.

    Kates Kesler Organization Consulting is a New York based consulting firm within organization design, led by Greg Kesler and Amy Kates

    Their course is built on 20 years of consulting experience and the foundational work of Jay Galbraith. The program brings organization design concepts, tools, and methods to HR and organization development professionals and line managers and helps to grow the field.

    Learn more about the ODC Certification Program:

  • 12 Oct 2016 3:57 PM | Deleted user
    At the ODC Annual Meeting August 7, 2016, three new members of the ODC Board of Directors were elected:

    Carliss Baldwin William L. White Professor of Business Administration, Harvard Business School

    Laura Cardinal, SmartState Endowed Chair and Director, Center for Innovation and Commercialization, Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina

    Joe Cheng, Professor Emeritus of Business Administration at the University of Illinois

    They are replacing Dorthe Døjbak Haakonsson, Anne Bøllington and Raymond Miles. We thank them for their great work to contribute to the upstart and development of the ODC.

    Professor Emeritur Charles Snow, Duke University was re-elected as Chairman of the Board and Professor Børge Obel from ICOA, Aarhus University will take another round as Deputy Chairman.

  • 12 Oct 2016 3:36 PM | Deleted user

    Conferences in Poland, USA and Hong Kong, new partnerships, Journal, Certificate programme. The ODC Board and committed members are scaling up the activities.

    ODC is a members driven community, so ideas for new initiatives keep rolling in from our international group of members, who are also ready to take the lead of events and new services.

    Professor Joe Cheng (Professor Emeritus of Business Administration at the University of Illinois) is responsible for the ODC Asia activities and plan for a conference 2018 in Hong Kong together with the Hong Kong Open University. Additionally, ODC is planned to have a track on the Hong Kong Open University Conference 2017. The conference will take place in December 2017. More information to be announced soon.

    Diem Ho (Manager of University Relations for IBM Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA), France) has proposed an ODC track at a conference in May 2017 in Poland (Cloud Computer). More information will come later.

    ODC Annual Conference 2017
    ODC Annual Conference 2017 will take place in Atlanta Sunday August 6., in conjunction with the AOM conference. Co-Program Chairwomen are Marlo Raveendran, UC Riverside and Hila Lifshitz-Assaf, Stern School of Business, NYU. The theme of the conference will be The Role of Hierarchy in Modern Organizations.

  • 09 Mar 2016 2:48 PM | Deleted user

    The Journal of Organization Design (JOD) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal devoted solely to advancing the theory and practice of organization design.

    JOD welcomes submissions to the new special issue on 'Designing and Managing the Digital Organization'.

    Deadline for submissions: 1 August, 2016

    Please visit the Journal's website to read more about all aspects of JOD and submissions

  • 22 Dec 2015 10:00 AM | Morten Bygvraa Rasmussen (Administrator)

    It is a great pleasure to announce that the Organizational Design Community has published volume 4, issue number 3, 2015, of the Journal of Organization Design. Please enjoy the papers appearing in last issue of the year.

    We are introducing a new feature called the Research Primer Series. The purpose of this series is to introduce readers to a particular research stream or literature and articulate its implications for the theory and/or practice of organization design. The first research primer to appear in the series is by Metin Sengul and Stefan Dimitriadis on the topic of multimarket competition.

    The issue also includes one research article, one case study, one translational article, and two interviews in our JOD Live section. We are very excited about this new publication and hope you find the content interesting.

    We wish our readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

  • 14 Dec 2015 1:01 PM | Deleted user
    Beginning in January 2016, the operations of Journal of Organization Design (JOD) will be outsourced to Springer Open Access, the largest publisher of open access journals in the world. By having Springer’s marketing power, we expect JOD to rapidly become more visible and attractive to authors.

    JOD will continue to be owned by the Organizational Design Community .

    New members of the editorial team
    In anticipation of this growth, we are increasing the size of our editorial team and board. We are happy to welcome Nils Stieglitz (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) and John Joseph (University of California Irvine) as new associate editors.

    A Journal for both academics and practitioners
    At JOD, we publish five different types of articles (Research, Translational, Point of View, Urgent Issue, Case Study) as well as the Organizational Zoo and ODC live. In this way, the journal seeks to be both theoretically sound, practically relevant and use the fact that JOD is electronic only.

    Sponsorship means no APCs in 2016-2017
    Our objective is to have JOD become the most comprehensive and highest-quality journal devoted to the topic of organization design. JOD will continue to be an open access journal and due to support from Department of Management, Aarhus University there will be no APCs in 2016 and 2017.

    We invite you to submit a paper to JOD.
    Please submit here Journal of Organization Design

    Or contact us at

Join us

Membership in the community is open to any individual, firm, organization or institution with an interest in advancing the knowledge and practice of organization design and who wish to support and enhance ODC's mission.


Contact us

Organizational Design Community
Co/Department of Management
Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University
Fuglesangs Alle 4
DK-8210 Aarhus V

CVR: 33843615

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