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Journal of Organization Design scales up

14 Dec 2015 1:01 PM | Deleted user
Beginning in January 2016, the operations of Journal of Organization Design (JOD) will be outsourced to Springer Open Access, the largest publisher of open access journals in the world. By having Springer’s marketing power, we expect JOD to rapidly become more visible and attractive to authors.

JOD will continue to be owned by the Organizational Design Community .

New members of the editorial team
In anticipation of this growth, we are increasing the size of our editorial team and board. We are happy to welcome Nils Stieglitz (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management) and John Joseph (University of California Irvine) as new associate editors.

A Journal for both academics and practitioners
At JOD, we publish five different types of articles (Research, Translational, Point of View, Urgent Issue, Case Study) as well as the Organizational Zoo and ODC live. In this way, the journal seeks to be both theoretically sound, practically relevant and use the fact that JOD is electronic only.

Sponsorship means no APCs in 2016-2017
Our objective is to have JOD become the most comprehensive and highest-quality journal devoted to the topic of organization design. JOD will continue to be an open access journal and due to support from Department of Management, Aarhus University there will be no APCs in 2016 and 2017.

We invite you to submit a paper to JOD.
Please submit here Journal of Organization Design

Or contact us at

Join us

Membership in the community is open to any individual, firm, organization or institution with an interest in advancing the knowledge and practice of organization design and who wish to support and enhance ODC's mission.


Contact us

Organizational Design Community
Co/Department of Management
Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University
Fuglesangs Alle 4
DK-8210 Aarhus V

CVR: 33843615

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