Organizational Design Community (ODC) is an international community of scholars, executives, and organizations dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of organization design. ODC seeks to be the preeminent community where research, practice, and learning intersect to produce valuable design knowledge and applications. ODC will grow and improve as members collaborate on important organizational and societal problems. ODC is a non-commercial association where members create and share knowledge.
Members should not use ODC as a platform for commercial activities using advertising, the membership list, etc. Members must in their collaborative activities acknowledge private as well as academic property rights.
Members can upon mutual agreement team up to perform academic, educational and private activities. It is expected that general knowledge will be shared with the community in a form that does not violate academic and private property rights.
The Organizational Design Community (ODC) will follow the Academy of Management Code of Ethical Conduct.
LEARN MORE...organization design process can and should be improved through a focused effort that combines the research of practically oriented scholars with the experiences and inputs of thoughtful executives.