Academics and practitioners are invited to participate in the World Summit on Big Data and Organization Design, May 16-17, 2013, at the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne 1, Paris. Participation requires membership of the Organizational Design Community or special invitation. If you are interested in participating write the for an invitation or membership.
The conference is co-hosted by the Université Panthéon-Sorbonne 1, IBM, ICOA, Aarhus University, and the Organizational Design Community.
This is an event for a carefully selected group of academics and business representatives to work together on the future challenges of big data and organization design. The number of participants is limited to 100 people.
To extract your knowledge and views, we would like you to submit a position paper with your thoughts on:
- The State of the Art on Big Data
- Your current work on Big Data, in particular, on teaching, research, applications, and its expected outcomes
- Your future work on Big Data
- Your foreseen Challenges/Issues and Recommendations
You can submit your paper at:
Please use the template found here:
To ensure the maximum outcome, the workshop process requires a high level of pre-workshop interaction from all participants. You will be asked to contribute to the pre-workshop actions in one of five virtual groups, each developing a report on the most relevant perspectives of Big Data and Organizational Design, based on the submitted position papers. The five work groups are: 1) University/Business driven Applications, 2) University/Public driven Applications, 3) Data Challenges, 4) Organization Impacts, and 5) Partnership/Fellowship. A workgroup chair will drive this process, and all participants are expected to participate.
The pre-workshop papers will be distributed to all participants prior to the conference. The papers will be discussed at the conference and will form the basis of a white paper on Big Data and Organizational Design to be submitted to leading decision makers, including the European Union and national governments.
Following the summit, the Journal of Organization Design will run a special issue on organization design and big data, where you are invited to submit a paper.
The workshop sponsors have kindly agreed to cover all conference participation fees. However, you are responsible for your own costs of travel and accommodation.
We hope that you will find this interesting and are looking forward to seeing you in Paris.
Please let us know if you are interested in participating and will submit a position paper by replying to this email: