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  • Virtual Organization Design Community Annual General Meeting for Members 2020

Virtual Organization Design Community Annual General Meeting for Members 2020

  • 30 Jun 2020
  • 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM (CEST)
  • Video plus ODC, Fuglesangs Alle 4, DK-8210, Aarhus V, Denmark


  • We encourage all members to participate by video.

    Links to the event will be sent before the meeting
  • We encourage all members to participate by video and not by physical presence.

Registration is closed
Virtual Organization Design Community Annual General Meeting for Members 2020

The meeting will be conducted via Zoom. Links will be sent prior to the meeting.

Time: 5 pm Aarhus ( 11 AM US East Coast, 8 AM US West Coast,  11 PM Singapore)

It will be possible to participate at the ODC location in Aarhus, but we strongly

encourage members to participate via Zoom.

Please note: You must register to attend the general meeting

The annual general meeting shall be called with no less than fourteen (14) days notice. The agenda for the annual meeting shall be sent out to the members no later than eight (8) days before the meeting.

Members shall submit items for the agenda to the Association office no later than ten (10) days before the annual general meeting.

At the annual general meeting, decisions can only be made on agenda items.


  1. Election of meeting chairperson
  2. Annual report from the Board of Directors
  3. Annual financial report
  4. Election of members of the Board of DirectorsDorthe Døjbak Håkonsson and Mark LaScola’s term has expired. Both can be reelected for another term of three years. Both are willing to be re-elected. 
  5. Election of auditor: Tim Carroll is willing to be re-elected.
  6. Election of chief editors: The term of the current Chief Editors expire December 31.2020. After an open call and the work by a search committee, the ODC board of directors recommends Professor Brian Wu (University of Michigan) and Professor Oliver Baumann (University of Southern Denmark) as new Chief Editors of Journal of Organization Design 
  7. Motions received from members of the Board of Directors or Association members: No motions received
  8. Any other business for discussion only

Kindly Note Registration for the event closes on 29th Of June  5 pm Aarhus ( 11 AM US East Coast, 8 AM US West Coast,  11 PM Singapore) 

Material for the Annual Meeting:

ODC Chairman's Annual Report 2020.pdf   

ODC annual financial report 2019.pdf

ODC Budget 2020.pdf

Minutes ODC Annual Meeting 2020.pdf

Join us

Membership in the community is open to any individual, firm, organization or institution with an interest in advancing the knowledge and practice of organization design and who wish to support and enhance ODC's mission.


Contact us

Organizational Design Community
Co/Department of Management
Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University
Fuglesangs Alle 4
DK-8210 Aarhus V

CVR: 33843615

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