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  • Patterns of Interaction: New opportunities and Challenges

Patterns of Interaction: New opportunities and Challenges

  • 23 Jul 2025
  • 25 Jul 2025
  • Sandbjerg Estate, Denmark

In today’s rapidly evolving work environment, understanding the dynamics of formal and informal structures is crucial for fostering effective knowledge creation and collaboration. The adoption of AI, remote work, and advanced tools, enabling tracing of real world interactions and affective responses, may open new opportunities to theorize and test how formal and informal structures influence knowledge creation.

This workshop aims to collaborately explore the influences of these structures on realized interactions—who actually talks to whom—and how this impacts knowledge creation within organizations.

Workshop Objectives

  • Discuss the possibilities of developing new theories and understandings of knowledge creation.
  • Explore the relevance of these insights for modern organizations, whether in private workplaces, public institutions or communities.
  • Share practical examples and case studies on the implementation of advanced technologies in conceptualizing and measuring interaction patterns.
  • Managerial implications of the changing patterns of interaction in the modern workplace.

The workshop will take place from, noon July 23 (Wednesday) to, noon 25 (Friday) at the Aarhus University’s conference center Sandbjerg Estate ( There is a good connection from Copenhagen Airport (CPH) to Sønderborg (SGD), which is a 10 minute drive to the conference venue. It is also possible to drive or take the train from Copenhagen or Hamburg.

Submission Guidelines

We welcome contributions from researchers and practitioners. Whether you have conducted academic research or have practical experience and case studies to share, your insights are valuable.

To participate, please submit a short description of your presentation by April 15, 2025, by writing to This description can take various forms, such as:

  • An abstract of a research paper
  • A summary of a case study
  • An outline of an interesting perspective or experience related to the workshop topics

There is a limited number of places available. Submissions will undergo a review process, and we will inform those whose submissions have been selected.

The workshop fee, including room and board, is US$500 per person for the entire stay. There will be a limited number of Ph.D. scholarships.

Organizing Committee

Gianluca Carnabuci (ESMT); Karin Hoisl (ODC; U. Mannheim & CBS ); Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson (ODC and AU); Erik Larsen (AU); Christine Parsons (AU); Gurneeta V. Singh, (ODC and U. Minnesota); Kyosuke Tanaka (AU); Eric Quintane (ESMT).

Join us

Membership in the community is open to any individual, firm, organization or institution with an interest in advancing the knowledge and practice of organization design and who wish to support and enhance ODC's mission.


Contact us

Organizational Design Community
Co/Department of Management
Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University
Fuglesangs Alle 4
DK-8210 Aarhus V

CVR: 33843615

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