
ODC@10 Organizing for Good:
"Designing Sustainable Communities"
United Nation’s Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, aims at making cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Thursday, August 26th, 2021 at 9:00 am Eastern Time
How may organization design inform this goal? What we can learn from contexts in which collaborative organizing has been in existence for many years?

Steve Lansing: Steve is especially known for his decades of research on the emergent properties of human-environmental interactions in Bali, Borneo and the Malay Archipelago, social-ecological modeling, and complex adaptive system. He is anthropologist and complexity scientist. He is an external professor at the Santa Fe Institute and the Vienna Complexity Hub, an Emeritus professor of anthropology at the University of Arizona, and a senior research fellow at the Stockholm Resilience Centre.
Mette Løvschal: Mette is an archaeologist and has examined the temporal and social dynamics involved in the ongoing fencing processes in Maasai Mara, as well as social issues related to shoats keeping in Eastern Africa. She was recently rewarded an ERC grant for her project: Anthropogenic Heathlands: The Social Organization of Super-Resilient Past Human Ecosystems.
The panel will be led by Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson. Dorthe is board member of ODC (Organization Design Community), and associate editor at the Journal of Organization Design. Dorthe has studied Aarhus Smart City as a Collaborative Community. Together with Mette Løvschal, she has studied social issues related to shoats in Maasai Mara. She is currently working on issues related to livestock management as a collaborative community in Maasai Mara, Kenya.
Joel Nielsen is Chief of Section (Leadership Development) at UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency. Joel is an experienced adult educator, organizational development consultant and project manager with 20 years of progressive international experience from the UN, NGO and consulting sectors.
The discussion will be focused on two issues:
1. ‘Nature’s way’ of organizing and what we as human organizers can learn from that. Both Mette and Steve have studied communities where members have lived in an integrated fashion with their landscapes over hundreds of years – and the linkages that have arisen from it;
2. Taking it forward: How to build sustainable communities afresh in contexts that are very different from the communities the academic panellists have studied.
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