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  • Organization Design Community Annual Conference 2020

Organization Design Community Annual Conference 2020

  • 30 Jul 2020
  • 31 Jul 2020
  • 2 sessions
  • 30 Jul 2020, 9:30 AM 11:30 AM (EDT)
  • 31 Jul 2020, 9:30 AM 11:30 AM (EDT)
  • 0


  • No registration fees for ODC Members

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Organization Design Community

Annual Conference 2020

July 30-31, 2020


Theme: Teams and Organization Design

Day 1 (30th July)

(All times are AM, EST)

9:30 a.m:  Welcome by Phanish Puranam and Henrik Bresman (INSEAD) 

9:40 -10:10 am: Session 1: Teams: Building blocks for organization design 

Linda Argote, Carnegie Mellon University

Deborah Ancona, MIT

Henrik Bresman, INSEAD (Moderator)

10:10 - 10:15am:  BREAK

10:15-10: 45 am: Session 2: Research on teams and organization design: points of departure

Stuart Bunderson, Washington University

Corinne Bendersky, UCLA 

Michael Y Lee, INSEAD (Moderator)

10:45-10:50 am: BREAK

10:50-11:20 am: Session 3: Experimenting with teams 

Linus Dahlander, ESMT

Martin Gonzalez, Google

Jay Narayanan, NUS (Moderator) 

11:30 am – 12:15 pm

An opportunity to socialize and try out some online multi-player games- with a view to explore their pedagogical and research value (IIulia Strate)

DAY 2 (31st July)

9.30-9:40 am: Welcome back, where we are (Henrik and Phanish)

9:40-10:10 am:Session 4: Research frontiers of teams and organization design 

Lindred Greer, Michigan Ross 

Matt Cronin, GMU 

Ying-Ying Hsieh, Imperial (Moderator)

10:10 am- 10:15am:  BREAK

10:15-10:45 am: Session 5: Research frontiers of teams and organization design 

Anita Williams,  Carnegie Mellon University

Natalia Levina, NYU 

Darren Murph, Gitlab

Helge Klapper, Erasmus (Moderator)

10:45-10:50 am BREAK

10:50- 11:30 am: Session 6:  What Next?  

Concluding breakout sessions and plenary for idea generation 

Moderator: Henrik Bresman, (INSEAD) & Phanish Puranam, (INSEAD)


Join us

Membership in the community is open to any individual, firm, organization or institution with an interest in advancing the knowledge and practice of organization design and who wish to support and enhance ODC's mission.


Contact us

Organizational Design Community
Co/Department of Management
Aarhus BSS, Aarhus University
Fuglesangs Alle 4
DK-8210 Aarhus V

CVR: 33843615

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